
As you progress in engaging and nurturing your wellbeing take time to recognise your achievements and to reward yourself.

  • Take a guilt free nap.

  • Treat yourself to a fancy coffee/hot chocolate.

  • Pamper yourself with a bubble bath.

  • Take 5 minutes to do absolutely nothing.

  • Have a picnic and take a blanket, lunch outdoors is so much more special.

  • Go to a museum or art gallery.

  • Plan a charades/twister session, or some fun games for friends...remember the playfulness of being a child.

  • Enjoy a favourite snack.

  • Set a timer for ten minutes and tidy a room or a corner of your space. Sit down and enjoy.

  • Watch a favourite movie with a favourite snack.

  • Put on some feel-good tracks and sing and dance along.

  • Have an early night with a good book.

  • Buy or forage flowers for your space.

  • Find a peaceful place to sit and just enjoy the space.

  • Gift yourself by watching either the sunset or a sunrise.

  • Begin a rewards savings box, purely for little pleasures and treats.

  • Designate a mental health day and go to the beach/forest.

  • Go and search for something beautiful and bring it back to put in your space, something from nature, a beautiful postcard or image or something that attracts your attention.

  • Visit the library and browse through the books for pleasure.

  • Get dressed up in your favorite clothes even if you don’t have big plans.

  • Listen to a great audio book or podcast.