TEL White Ribbon project

We in the Dept of TEL have submitted the White Ribbon E-Learning Programme as an entry to the ALT Community awards.

The White Ribbon programme is a collaboration between Men's Development Network and ourselves. The programme is a bespoke national digital learning programme aimed at providing secondary school teachers and other education professionals with the knowledge and skills to engage students in preventing and responding to School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV).

The pedagogical process is focused on empowering learners (teachers and management) to support and create a culture where young men and boys stand for gender equality. Since it's initial inception, the programme has gone from strength to strength, with a version of the programme developed for higher education now available on the national N-TUTORR platform "my digital backpack.

If you would like to vote for this very very worthy project, you can do so by going to and filling in the very short form and picking "The White Ribbon E-Learning Programme - Ending SRGBV in schools and universities through edtech". Your support would be most greatly appreciated.


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