EdTech and E-learning Research Group

The MTU Ed-Tech and E-learning Research Group is a designed research group of the Munster Technological University (MTU). Designation for the group was granted by the Research Office in 2016.

The group is dedicated to researching the use of current and emerging online and digital technologies to improve learning and support learners.

Current projects being conducted by group members relate to key ed-tech and technological trends such as:

  • the use of virtual and augmented reality for learning

  • hybrid learning and other digitally-enhanced learning spaces

  • micro-credentials and other forms of digital credentialing

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP)

  • digital accessibility and universal design

  • game-based learning and gamification

  • learning analytics and educational data mining

  • the implications of Generative AI for learning and Higher Education

Members of the group also provide instructional design services to corporate and other external clients with respect to the design, development and deployment of digital learning content and courses.

Please click here to find out more about some of the projects and initiatives being conducted by group members

Please click here to find out more about our members

For queries please email: edtech@mtu.ie