Publications and Presentations

2024 Publications

  • Cronin, S. (2024). Technologies for hybrid learning. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 49-57). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

  • Garvey, R., Marsh, N. (2024). Digital learning and accessibility. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 196-202). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

  • Jhangiani, R., Farrelly, T., Ó Súilleabháin, G., & Coakley, D. (2024, March 25). Open education practices in higher education: Focusing on responsiveness, innovation & inclusivity (Sectoral white paper). N-TUTORR project.  

  • Nagle, L., Walsh, F., & Farrelly, T. (2024) Student Experiences of ePortfolios within an Irish University. Journal of Educator Online, 21(2).

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Lanclos, D., & Farrelly, T. (Eds.). (2024). How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Lanclos, D., & Farrelly, T. (2024). Learning transfer and preparing learners for future learning. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 203-210). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

  • Pattison, S. (2024). What should I know about instructional design models? In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 149-159). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

  • Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024). If generative AI is saving academics time, what are they doing with it? LSE Impact Blog.

  • Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024). Does generative AI help academics to do more or less? Nature, 625(7995), 450.

2024 Presentations

  • Cronin, M., Nagle., L. . (2024, March) [paper presentation]. A case study on the implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on teaching within an Irish Technological University. OER24 Conference.

  • Coakley, D. (2024, March). The extended mythos of ChatGPT. Workshop at the Association for Learning Technology. OER24 Conference.

  • Garvey, R. (2024, March). Students as key drivers of inclusion. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology OER24 Conference.

  • Spillane J., Pattison S., Coakley D. (2024, March). “Microlearning as a methodology for Student Success: Creating and Sharing bite-sized, reusable, OERs”. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology OER24 Conference.

  • Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024, March). “Neoliberalism, Collegiality, and Authenticity: A discursive keynote about GAI,” Research in Distance Education and e-Learning (RIDE) 

2023 Publications

  • Concannon, F., Costello, E., Farrell, O., Farrelly, T., & Graves Wolf, L. (2023). Editorial: There’s an AI for that: Rhetoric, reality, and reflections on EdTech in the dawn of GenAI. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1).

  • Costello, E., Welsh, S., Girme, P., Concannon, F., Farrelly, T., & Thompson, C. (2023) Who cares about learning design? Near future superheroes and villains of an educational ethics of care, Learning, Media and Technology, 48:3, 460-475, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2074452

  • Farrelly T, and  Baker N. (2023) Generative Artificial Intelligence: Implications and Considerations for Higher Education Practice. Education Sciences. 13(11):1109.

  • Lanclos, D., Ó Súilleabháin, G, Farrelly, T. (2023) What We Learned in the Storm:  Listening to and learning from the experiences of teaching staff during emergency remote teaching.  Educational Developments 24(2):  16-18

  • Lanclos, D., Ó Súilleabháin, G, Farrelly, T. (2023) What will sustain us in the storms to come: Listening to and learning from the experiences of teaching staff during emergency remote teaching.  Educational Developments 24(3):  11-14

  • Stürmer, K., Rademacher, L., Fenton, P. & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023), Discovering Digital Lobbying: How Digital Transformation and Social Media Affect Classic Lobbying Actors, Rodríguez-Salcedo, N., Moreno, Á., Einwiller, S. and Recalde, M. (Ed.) (Re)discovering the Human Element in Public Relations and Communication Management in Unpredictable Times, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 211-227.

  • Watermeyer, R., Phipps, L., Lanclos, D. Knight C (2023) Generative AI and the Automating of Academia. Postdigit Sci Educ

  • Wolf, L., Farrelly, T., Farrell, O., & Concannon, F. (2023). Editorial: Reflections on a Collective Creative Experiment with GenAI: Exploring the Boundaries of What is Possible. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(2), 1–7.

2023 Presentations

  • Coakley, D (2023). A hole at the heart of UDL? Paper presented at the 24th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Coakley, D (2023, June). A hole at the heart of UDL?. Poster presented at Universal Design for Learning National Conference 2023, Sligo, Ireland.

  • Farrelly, T. (2023, December), Beyond the Code: Generative AI in Education and Transparent Publishing Practices. Presentation at University of Highlands and Islands, Learning and Teaching Conference, Inverness.

  • Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. Do as I say, not as I do: An examination of the value placed by higher education on OA Publishing. Workshop Presentation at OER23 Conference.

  • Farrelly, T., Wolf, L., Farrell, O., & Concannon, F. (2023, December), Navigating the Frontier of AI-Generated Content: Reflections from Editing a Special Issue. Presentation at Digital Education Conference at SETU.

  • Garvey, R (2023, January). Digital accessibility in online programmes. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2023 Ed-tech Winter Online Conference. Online conference.

  • Nagle, L. & McMahon,. (2023) [Paper presentation]. Navigating the Liminal Space: A cause for identity consolidation or disruption? Results of a study exploring the impact of clinical placement on student nurses.  ATU DigitalEd Conference.

  • Nagle, L., O’ Connell, M., & Farrelly, T. (2023) [Paper presentation]. Student Experiences of ePortfolios within an Irish University. ATU DigitalEd Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023, January 19). Rethinking Learning Technology and Learning Transfer as Preparedness for Future Learning Challenges. [paper presentation]. European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) 2023 Annual Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland.    

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023, January 27). Learning Transfer and Technology for Learning: Assumptions and Implications. [paper presentation]. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2023 Ed-tech Winter Online Conference.  Online conference. 

2022 Publications

  • Nagle, L. (2022). An exploration of the factors impacting on pre-professional identity formation during legitimate peripheral participation within nursing clinical placement (Doctoral dissertation, University of Limerick).

  • O’Donoghue, T.  & Farrelly, T.  (2022) Mixed methods or mixed up: a critical exposition on interpretive research undertaken within mixed methods’ studies, Irish Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2148265

  • 2021., Farrelly, T., & Lacey, S. (2022). Dataset on student experiences and perceptions of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in an Irish University. Data In Brief, 41, 107954.

  • Price, J., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2022). COVID, Campus, Cameras, Communication, and Connection. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1).

  • Phipps, L & Lanclos, D (2022) Leveraging Change in Higher Education, in Nolan, S., & Hutchinson, S. (Eds.). (2022). Leading Innovation and Creativity in University Teaching: Implementing Change at the Programme Level (1st ed.). Routledge.

2022 Presentations

  • Coakley, D. (2022, Feb). Eportfolios within the Higher Education Student lifecycle. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Coakley, D  (2022). Online, hybrid and hyflex delivery through the lens of UDL. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology Conference Annual Conference 2022

  • Coakley, D (2022). Keeping going: use of the flipped classroom for supporting & enhancing digital delivery. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology Conference Annual Conference.

  • Farrelly, T (2022) Making it Work – Supporting Travellers in Third Level Education. Presentation at Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy.

2021 Publications

  • Concannon, F., Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Welsh, S. (2021). Editorial: Ireland’s Online Learning Call. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(1), 1–6.

2021 Presentations

  • Coakley, D. (2021). ePortfolios as Tools for Work Placement and Graduate Employability. In VIT&L Teaching & Learning Showcase 2021.

  • Coakley, D. (2021, May). Keeping Going. Approaches and opportunities for supporting and enhancing online delivery Post-Covid. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Coakley, D. (2021, January). Smart LMI. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2021, January). Unexpected Outcomes. The approaches for and impact of moving training initiatives online. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Garvey, R. (2021, January). Beyond motivation: Ensuring the validity of digital badges in Higher Education. Edtech Winter Online Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Lanclos, D. (2021) The Work We Have Always Needed to Do. Keynote Address for LVAIC Information Literacy Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2021, January). Ed-tech in the time of Covid-19 – a case study in crisis decision making [paper presentation. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2021 Ed-Tech Winter Online Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2021). Learning Design in the Eye of the Storm [presentation. European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), EDEN webinar.

  • Farrelly, T & Loxley, A. (2021) What the Doctors did next. Presentation at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Online.

2020 Publications

  • Costello, E., Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2020). Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL, 21(1), 112–133.

  • Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2020). VLEs: A Metaphorical History from Sharks to Limpets. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1), 20, 1–10.

  • Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2020). Educational Technology is not Open Education: A large scale empirical study of publications. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, 910–918.

  • Farrelly, T., Ó Suilleabháin, G., & McCarthy, K. (2020). Gasta Goes Global as a Rapid Community Response to COVID-19. AISHE-J. 12(2).

  • Lanclos, D. (2020). Making Space for the “Irrational” Practice of Anthropology in Libraries. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship 6: 1–22.

  • Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L. (2020) Practice During the Pandemic: Conversations with teachers and leaders. Jisc’s Student Experience Experts Group Meeting.

  • Risquez, A., Cassidy, D, & Ó Suilleabháin, G. (2020). Badge of honour? An exploration of the use of digital badges to support a partnership approach to faculty development. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(5), 18–29.

  • Stürmer, K, Ó Súilleabháin, G, Fenton, P, & Rademacher, L. (2020, January). Lobbying On The German Federal Level: The Unknown Shift Through Digital Transformation. Mediální Studia / Media Studies.

2020 Presentations

  • Costello, E., Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2020). Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017. Presentation at OER20.

  • Farrelly, T., Ó Súilleabháin., G., & McCarthy, K. (2020, July). I hope this works out! - Capturing the essence of GASTA online with a leap into the unknown [paper presentation. ExOrdoCon, Online Conference.

2019 Publications

  • Concannon, F., Costello, E., & Farrelly, T. (2019). Open Science and Educational Research: An Editorial Commentary. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1).

  • Cormier, D, Jandrić, P, Childs, M, Hall, R White, D, Phipps, L, Truelove, I, Hayes, S and Fawns, T (2019). Ten Years of the Postdigital in the 52group: Reflections and Developments 2009–2019. Postdigit Sci Educ.

  • Farrelly, T., Flaherty, S., & Healy, H. (2019). The Challenges to Public Health Nurse Practice in Rural Ireland. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 36(3), 341–347.

  • Lanclos, D. (2019). The Anthropologist in the Machine. In Keynote presentation, Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase, Toronto, Canada.

  • Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019). Leadership and Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities. Rowell, C (ed). Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflection, and Analysis (pp. 141–150). Open Book Publishing.

  • Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019). Trust, Innovation and Risk: A contextual inquiry into teaching practices and the implications for the use of technology. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 68–85.

  • Nagle, L., Connell, O. ’, M., & Farrelly, T. (2019). A gap in governance: Acknowledging the challenges of organic ePortfolio implementation. Educational Media International, 56(4), 328–342.

2019 Presentations

  • Farrelly, T., (2019). Free? Yes – Open? No. Journal Articles as OERs. Presentation at the Cascadia Open Summit. Simon Fraser University.

  • Farrelly, T., (2019, October). Of Mice and Minivans. The use of Metaphors to deconstruct Virtual Learning Environments. Presentation at EADTU Conference.

  • Farrelly, T., Murphy, T., & Costello, E. (2019). Gold doesn't always glitter - An interactive workshop on Open Publishing Practices. OER 19 Conference, Galway

  • Lanclos, D., (2019). Listening to Refusal. Keynote Presentation, Academic Practice and Technology Conference.

  • Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019) Gaining Insight over Solving Problems. Invited presentation. (2019). University of Guelph.

  • Lanclos, D., Bryant, P., & White, D. (2019) Precarious Voices: The Shared Hopes and Dreams of those Teaching and Supporting Learning in Digital Contexts.C onnecting through Educational Technology, Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2019 Annual Conference.  Bruges.

  • Ó Súilleabháin., G., & Coakley, D. (2019, May). Flipsides: A flipped classroom model for educational partnership. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Ó Súilleabháin., G, Risquez, A & Cassidy, D (2019, November). Getting started online: A case study in online academic development [paper presentation. 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning.

  • Risquez, A, Cassidy, Ó Súilleabháin, G, Garvey, R & Spain, S (2019, June). Online Continuing Professional Development: An integrative approach [paper presentation. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances.

2018 Publications

  • Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2018). Hindsight is 20/20 Vision: What International Students Wished They Had Known Before Coming to Live and Learn in Ireland. Journal of International Students, 8(4), 1848–1864.

  • Farrelly, T., Raftery, D., & Harding, N. (2018). Exploring lecturer engagement with the VLE: findings from a multi-college staff survey. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 11–23.

  • Hartyányi, M., Balassa, S., Babócsy, C., Téringer, A., Ekert, S., Coakley, D., & Tauchmanova, V. (2018). Flipped Classroom in Practice. Innovating Vocational Education.

  • Nagle, L., Lannon, J., & McMahon, J. (2018). Integrating formal learning into work-integrated learning to create a semi-formal environment. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 19(2), 181–191.

2018 Presentations

  • Farrelly, T., Nagle, L., & O’Connell,  M. (2018). ePortfolios – the good, the bad and the.. Presentation at EdTech 2018, IT Carlow.

  • Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2018). Who pays and what do you get? Presentation at the ALT Conference.

  • Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2018 An analysis of the QQI’s (2017 – Version 2) ‘Guidelines for Blended Learning’. Presentation at Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, UCD.

  • Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L. (2018) What Lies Beneath” Keynote presentation Lancaster University All- Staff Conference, Leading and Thriving in a Changing World.

  • Lanclos, D. (2018) What we talk about when we talk about Digital Capabilities. In Keynote presentation, UCISA Digital Capabilities Group.

  • Lanclos, D. (2018) Where is your place?” Keynote presentation, Social Science Librarians Boot Camp-RVA. University of Richmond.

  • Risquez, A., Cassidy, D., Garvey, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2018, June). Modelling teaching strategies in the design of an online professional development programme [paper presentation]. EdTech 2018 Conference.

2017 Publications

  • Asher, A.,  Jean, A., Couture, J., Fister, B., Lanclos, D., Lowe, S., Regalado, M., & Smale, M. (2017). Mapping Student Days: Collaborative Ethnography and the Student Experience (Vol. 9, Issue 4).

  • Coakley, D., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Press Start”: Training the Next Generation of Serious Games Developers. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 95–102.

  • Farrelly, T., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2017). Why unbundling matters: Unpacking competing languages of persuasion. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, UCC.

  • Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L (2017) Leading with Digital in an Age of Supercomplexity. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2(2).

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2017). Better Assessment through video: The development of an assessment productivity app. In G. B. The & S. C. Choy (Eds.), Empowering 21st century learners through holistic and enterprising learning (pp. 21–21). Springer.

  • Lanclos, D. (2017) The Anthropologist’s Tale. Keynote Presentation, Lianza Conference.

2017 Presentations

  • Coakley, D. (2017, June). Mind your head: The potential of smartphone applications to support and promote mental health skills and knowledge for Irish young people. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Cronin, S., Coakley, D., Garvey, R., & Ó Súilleabháin, G.. (2017). The Creator Project—Empowering educators with tools and skills for self-directed & discipline-specific video production for teaching and learning. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Cronin, S., Coakley, D., Garvey, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G.. (2017, September). Using microlearning to drive the adoption and mainstreaming of technology enhanced learning tools in higher education. Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference.

  • Crowley, A., Farren, M., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017, September). Strategy simulation games: The student perspective and an investigation of employability competencies gained through the use of strategy simulations in higher education. E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training. Paper Presented at the Third International Conference, eLEOT 2017.

  • Orefice, F., Coakley, D., Donnellan, P., Dorran, D., Duffy, N., Freeland, B., & Kieran, P. (2017, October). Design Simulation for the Process Industries: An Inter-Institutional Initiative for Chemical Engineering Education in Ireland. 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. AIChE.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Digital Education: New Trends and Old Traditions. In Global Hub Seminar– The Power of Connecting. Nano Nagle Place, Cork.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Digital Games for Learning. EdTecX Seminar.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Well Played: Game-based Learning for Health Education. Invited Keynote. Teaching & Learning Spring School 2017. School of Nursing & Human Sciences, Dublin College University.

2016 Presentations

  • Coakley, D., Garvey, R., & I, O. ’Neill. (2016, October). Micro-learning—Adopting Digital Pedagogies to Facilitate Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning for CPD. Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning Conference.

  • Coakley, D., Garvey, R., Cronin, S., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2016, May). TELU - Meeting the challenge of TEL training with Microlearning. 17th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

  • Garvey, R., Cronin, S., & Coakley, D. (2016, April). TEL tools for Irish Educators. Educational Studies Association of Ireland 2016 Conference.

  • Pivec, M., D., C., & R, G. (2016, September). Pilot Trials of Game-Based Sustainable Education. Irish Game Based Learning Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2016, May). Nobody’s perfect: Video as a tool for rapid formative assessment [paper presentation]. 17th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.

2015 Publications

  • Phipps, L., & Chatterton, P. (2015). Perspectives on changing the environment for change. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, 2055–4990.

  • Lanclos, D., Gourlay, L. & Oliver, M. (2015) Sociomaterial Texts, Spaces and Devices: Questioning ‘Digital Dualism’ in Library and Study Practices Higher Education Quarterly.

  • Lanclos, D. & White, D. (2015) The Resident Web and Its Impact on the Academy). Hybrid Pedagogy.

2015 Presentations

  • Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2015). The great and the green: Sustainable development in serious games. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 135.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2015). Sept). Digital games as phenomenological research environments: A case study in educational research [paper presentation. Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts 2015 Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2015, November). Assessing every moment: Video as a tool for radical formative assessment [paper presentation. International Conference on Innovations, Shifts and Challenges (ICISC) in Learning & Teaching 2015 Conference.

2014 Publications

  • Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2014). El uso de los juegos digitalis en los deportes y el entrenamiento: Un caso práctico [The use of digital games in sports and training: A case study. Novatica, 230(4), 58–63.

  • Colomo-Palacios, R., Messnarz, R., Siakas, K., Palosi, D., & Coakley, D. (2014). Using social media as a tool for business improvement and certification of knowledge workers. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 26, 9, 791–798.

2014 Presentations

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2014, May). Learning Transfer as Preparation for Novel Learning Challenges: A Phenomenological Study of Computer and Video Game Performance”. EdTech 2014 Conference.

2013 Publications

  • Balogh, A. P., Siakas, K. V., Koinig, S., Ekert, D., Coakley, D., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Kostoglou, V. (2013). Social Media Networker: A New Profile for a New Market. Electronic Business and Marketing, 484, 137–146.

  • Cronin, S., & Garvey, R. (2013). Remote Labs Access in Multimedia for Information and Communication Systems. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2013 IEEE, 698–703.

  • Phipps, L. (2013). Individual as Institution. Educational Developments, 14(3).

  • Tawfik, M., Sancristobal, E., Diaz, G., Tzanova, S., Cronin, S., Kreiner, C., & Castro, M. (2013). Special session: Remote-labs access in internet and performance learning environment projects. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2013 IEEE, 1098–1102.

2012 Presentations

  • Pivec, M., Hable, B., & Coakley, D. (2012). Serious sports: Game-based learning in sports. 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Coakley, D., & Sime, J. (2012, May). Player Transfer": Key skills transfer in digital sports games”. EdTech 2012 Conference.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2012, September). Foregone Conclusions: How old learning makes new”. TEDxCIT

2011 Presentations

  • Coakley, D., & Murray, M. (2011). Developing a new Social Network and the “Facebook Factor”. In P. Green & T. Hogan (Eds.), iHCI 2011 conference proceedings. CIT Press.

  • Coakley, D., & Murray, M. (2011). Learner Experience with the MyElvin Social Network for Practicing Languages. Learning Innovation Network 2011 Conference Proceedings.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Campbell, J., & Sime, J. (2011). Wait, am I still the green guy? User experience as learning transfer. In P. Green & T. Hogan (Eds.), iHCI 2011 conference proceedings (pp. 33–41). CIT Press.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Garvey, R., Campbell, J., & Sime, J. (2011, May). Learning transfer in recreational video games. iGBL: Irish Symposium on Game-Based Learning.

2010 Publications

  • O’Suilleabhain, G. & Sime, J. (2010). Games for learning and learning transfer. In R. Donnelly, J. Harvey, & K. O’Rourke (Eds.), Critical Design and Effective Tools for E-Learning in Higher Education: Theory into Practice (pp. 113–126). IGI.

2010 Presentations

2009 Presentations

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G., Walsh, P., & Sime, J. (2009). The role of games in facilitating preparation for future learning. In T. Conolly & M. Stansfield (Eds.), 3rd European conference on games based learning: Proceedings (pp. 294–303). Academic Publishing Limited.

2008 Presentations

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2008). Player transfer: How learning transfer and serious games answer serious (and transferable) questions about one another. In T. Conolly & M. Stansfield (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 349- 356). Barcelona: Academic Publishing Limited.

  • Phipps, L., Cormier, D., & Stiles, M. (2008). Reflecting on the virtual learning systems–extinction or evolution? Educational Developments, 9(2).

2007 Publications

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Coakley, D. (2007). Sloop: The attempt to progress the learning economy through an open source attitude. In Sharing learning objects in an open perspective (pp. 57–70). ITSOS.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2007). Work-based e-learning. In Assessment & qualification in a European learning community (pp. 21–38).

2006 Publications

  • Grabe, K. & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2006). Mobilising the troops: Using java-enabled phones for learning”. In D. Keegan (Ed.), Mobile learning: A practical guide (pp. 71–79). CBT Bt.

  • Messnarz, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G., & Coughlan, R. (2006). From process improvement to learning organisations. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 11(3), 294.

2005 Publications

  • Phipps, L., Kelly, B., Sloan, D., Petrie, H., & Hamilton, F. (2005). Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity? A Framework for Applying the WCAG in the Real World. Proceedings of the 2005 International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (W4A). ISBN, 1-59593-036–1.

2004 Publications

  • Phipps, L., Kelly, B., & Swift, E. (2004). Developing A Holistic Approach For E-Learning Accessibility. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 30(3).

2004 Presentations

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2004). The convergence of traditional higher education and e-learning: Organisational, societal, technological and pedagogical trends. Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung.

  • Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2004). The e-portfolio: A tool for authentic assessment. Student Support Services in E-Learning International Conference.

2002 Publications

  • Phipps, L., Sutherland, A. T., & Seale, J (2002). Access All Areas: Disability, technology and learning. Association for Learning Technology.