Publications and Presentations
2024 Publications
Cronin, S. (2024). Technologies for hybrid learning. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 49-57). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Garvey, R., Marsh, N. (2024). Digital learning and accessibility. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 196-202). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Jhangiani, R., Farrelly, T., Ó Súilleabháin, G., & Coakley, D. (2024, March 25). Open education practices in higher education: Focusing on responsiveness, innovation & inclusivity (Sectoral white paper). N-TUTORR project.
Moloney, M., Spillane, J., Ruane, K., Joly, P. (2024). Virtual Industry Visits Using Immersive 360° Video: Ensuring Access for All Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2024, pp.1902-1909). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14256851
Nagle, L., Walsh, F., & Farrelly, T. (2024) Student Experiences of ePortfolios within an Irish University. Journal of Educator Online, 21(2).
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Lanclos, D., & Farrelly, T. (Eds.). (2024). How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Lanclos, D., & Farrelly, T. (2024). Learning transfer and preparing learners for future learning. In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 203-210). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Pattison, S. (2024). What should I know about instructional design models? In G. Ó Súilleabháin, D. Lanclos, & T. Farrelly (Eds.), How to use digital learning with confidence and creativity: A practical introduction (pp. 149-159). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Spillane, J. (2024). The Janus Method: A BYOD approach using 360º video for engaging learning experiences. Media and Learning .
Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024). If generative AI is saving academics time, what are they doing with it? LSE Impact Blog.
Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024). Does generative AI help academics to do more or less? Nature, 625(7995), 450.
2024 Presentations
Cronin, M., Nagle., L. . (2024, March) [paper presentation]. A case study on the implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) on teaching within an Irish Technological University. OER24 Conference.
Coakley, D. (2024, March). The extended mythos of ChatGPT. Workshop at the Association for Learning Technology. OER24 Conference.
Garvey, R. (2024, March). Students as key drivers of inclusion. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology OER24 Conference.
Spillane J., Pattison S., Coakley D. (2024, March). Microlearning as a methodology for Student Success: Creating and Sharing bite-sized, reusable, OERs. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology OER24 Conference.
Spillane, J., O’Brien, O. (2024, December), Fostering Digital Wellbeing: Strategies for Educators to Navigate and Promote Health Technology Engagement (Workshop). Digital Education Conference, SETU.
Spillane, J., O’Brien, O. (2024, December). Building Capacity for Digital Wellbeing Education Across Europe: Insights from the INGENIUM University Alliance. Digital Education Conference, SETU.
Watermeyer, R., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2024, March). “Neoliberalism, Collegiality, and Authenticity: A discursive keynote about GAI,” Research in Distance Education and e-Learning (RIDE)
2023 Publications
Concannon, F., Costello, E., Farrell, O., Farrelly, T., & Graves Wolf, L. (2023). Editorial: There’s an AI for that: Rhetoric, reality, and reflections on EdTech in the dawn of GenAI. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1).
Costello, E., Welsh, S., Girme, P., Concannon, F., Farrelly, T., & Thompson, C. (2023) Who cares about learning design? Near future superheroes and villains of an educational ethics of care, Learning, Media and Technology, 48:3, 460-475, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2074452
Farrelly T, and Baker N. (2023) Generative Artificial Intelligence: Implications and Considerations for Higher Education Practice. Education Sciences. 13(11):1109.
Lanclos, D., Ó Súilleabháin, G, Farrelly, T. (2023) What We Learned in the Storm: Listening to and learning from the experiences of teaching staff during emergency remote teaching. Educational Developments 24(2): 16-18
Lanclos, D., Ó Súilleabháin, G, Farrelly, T. (2023) What will sustain us in the storms to come: Listening to and learning from the experiences of teaching staff during emergency remote teaching. Educational Developments 24(3): 11-14
Stürmer, K., Rademacher, L., Fenton, P. & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023), Discovering Digital Lobbying: How Digital Transformation and Social Media Affect Classic Lobbying Actors, Rodríguez-Salcedo, N., Moreno, Á., Einwiller, S. and Recalde, M. (Ed.) (Re)discovering the Human Element in Public Relations and Communication Management in Unpredictable Times, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 211-227.
Watermeyer, R., Phipps, L., Lanclos, D. Knight C (2023) Generative AI and the Automating of Academia. Postdigit Sci Educ
Wolf, L., Farrelly, T., Farrell, O., & Concannon, F. (2023). Editorial: Reflections on a Collective Creative Experiment with GenAI: Exploring the Boundaries of What is Possible. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(2), 1–7.
2023 Presentations
Coakley, D (2023). A hole at the heart of UDL? Paper presented at the 24th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Coakley, D (2023, June). A hole at the heart of UDL?. Poster presented at Universal Design for Learning National Conference 2023, Sligo, Ireland.
Farrelly, T. (2023, December), Beyond the Code: Generative AI in Education and Transparent Publishing Practices. Presentation at University of Highlands and Islands, Learning and Teaching Conference, Inverness.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. Do as I say, not as I do: An examination of the value placed by higher education on OA Publishing. Workshop Presentation at OER23 Conference.
Farrelly, T., Wolf, L., Farrell, O., & Concannon, F. (2023, December), Navigating the Frontier of AI-Generated Content: Reflections from Editing a Special Issue. Presentation at Digital Education Conference at SETU.
Garvey, R (2023, January). Digital accessibility in online programmes. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2023 Ed-tech Winter Online Conference. Online conference.
Nagle, L. & McMahon,. (2023) [Paper presentation]. Navigating the Liminal Space: A cause for identity consolidation or disruption? Results of a study exploring the impact of clinical placement on student nurses. ATU DigitalEd Conference.
Nagle, L., O’ Connell, M., & Farrelly, T. (2023) [Paper presentation]. Student Experiences of ePortfolios within an Irish University. ATU DigitalEd Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023, January 19). Rethinking Learning Technology and Learning Transfer as Preparedness for Future Learning Challenges. [paper presentation]. European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) 2023 Annual Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2023, January 27). Learning Transfer and Technology for Learning: Assumptions and Implications. [paper presentation]. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2023 Ed-tech Winter Online Conference. Online conference.
2022 Publications
Nagle, L. (2022). An exploration of the factors impacting on pre-professional identity formation during legitimate peripheral participation within nursing clinical placement (Doctoral dissertation, University of Limerick).
O’Donoghue, T. & Farrelly, T. (2022) Mixed methods or mixed up: a critical exposition on interpretive research undertaken within mixed methods’ studies, Irish Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2148265
2021., Farrelly, T., & Lacey, S. (2022). Dataset on student experiences and perceptions of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in an Irish University. Data In Brief, 41, 107954.
Price, J., Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2022). COVID, Campus, Cameras, Communication, and Connection. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1).
Phipps, L & Lanclos, D (2022) Leveraging Change in Higher Education, in Nolan, S., & Hutchinson, S. (Eds.). (2022). Leading Innovation and Creativity in University Teaching: Implementing Change at the Programme Level (1st ed.). Routledge.
2022 Presentations
Coakley, D. (2022, Feb). Eportfolios within the Higher Education Student lifecycle. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Coakley, D (2022). Online, hybrid and hyflex delivery through the lens of UDL. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology Conference Annual Conference 2022
Coakley, D (2022). Keeping going: use of the flipped classroom for supporting & enhancing digital delivery. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology Conference Annual Conference.
Farrelly, T (2022) Making it Work – Supporting Travellers in Third Level Education. Presentation at Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy.
2021 Publications
Concannon, F., Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Welsh, S. (2021). Editorial: Ireland’s Online Learning Call. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(1), 1–6.
2021 Presentations
Coakley, D. (2021). ePortfolios as Tools for Work Placement and Graduate Employability. In VIT&L Teaching & Learning Showcase 2021.
Coakley, D. (2021, May). Keeping Going. Approaches and opportunities for supporting and enhancing online delivery Post-Covid. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Coakley, D. (2021, January). Smart LMI. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2021, January). Unexpected Outcomes. The approaches for and impact of moving training initiatives online. 22nd Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Garvey, R. (2021, January). Beyond motivation: Ensuring the validity of digital badges in Higher Education. Edtech Winter Online Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Lanclos, D. (2021) The Work We Have Always Needed to Do. Keynote Address for LVAIC Information Literacy Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2021, January). Ed-tech in the time of Covid-19 – a case study in crisis decision making [paper presentation. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) 2021 Ed-Tech Winter Online Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2021). Learning Design in the Eye of the Storm [presentation. European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), EDEN webinar.
Farrelly, T & Loxley, A. (2021) What the Doctors did next. Presentation at Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Online.
2020 Publications
Costello, E., Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2020). Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL, 21(1), 112–133.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2020). VLEs: A Metaphorical History from Sharks to Limpets. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1), 20, 1–10.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2020). Educational Technology is not Open Education: A large scale empirical study of publications. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, 910–918.
Farrelly, T., Ó Suilleabháin, G., & McCarthy, K. (2020). Gasta Goes Global as a Rapid Community Response to COVID-19. AISHE-J. 12(2).
Lanclos, D. (2020). Making Space for the “Irrational” Practice of Anthropology in Libraries. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship 6: 1–22.
Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L. (2020) Practice During the Pandemic: Conversations with teachers and leaders. Jisc’s Student Experience Experts Group Meeting.
Risquez, A., Cassidy, D, & Ó Suilleabháin, G. (2020). Badge of honour? An exploration of the use of digital badges to support a partnership approach to faculty development. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(5), 18–29.
Stürmer, K, Ó Súilleabháin, G, Fenton, P, & Rademacher, L. (2020, January). Lobbying On The German Federal Level: The Unknown Shift Through Digital Transformation. Mediální Studia / Media Studies.
2020 Presentations
Costello, E., Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2020). Open and Shut: Open Access in Hybrid Educational Technology Journals 2010 – 2017. Presentation at OER20.
Farrelly, T., Ó Súilleabháin., G., & McCarthy, K. (2020, July). I hope this works out! - Capturing the essence of GASTA online with a leap into the unknown [paper presentation. ExOrdoCon, Online Conference.
2019 Publications
Concannon, F., Costello, E., & Farrelly, T. (2019). Open Science and Educational Research: An Editorial Commentary. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1).
Cormier, D, Jandrić, P, Childs, M, Hall, R White, D, Phipps, L, Truelove, I, Hayes, S and Fawns, T (2019). Ten Years of the Postdigital in the 52group: Reflections and Developments 2009–2019. Postdigit Sci Educ.
Farrelly, T., Flaherty, S., & Healy, H. (2019). The Challenges to Public Health Nurse Practice in Rural Ireland. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 36(3), 341–347.
Lanclos, D. (2019). The Anthropologist in the Machine. In Keynote presentation, Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase, Toronto, Canada.
Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019). Leadership and Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities. Rowell, C (ed). Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflection, and Analysis (pp. 141–150). Open Book Publishing.
Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019). Trust, Innovation and Risk: A contextual inquiry into teaching practices and the implications for the use of technology. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1), 68–85.
Nagle, L., Connell, O. ’, M., & Farrelly, T. (2019). A gap in governance: Acknowledging the challenges of organic ePortfolio implementation. Educational Media International, 56(4), 328–342.
2019 Presentations
Farrelly, T., (2019). Free? Yes – Open? No. Journal Articles as OERs. Presentation at the Cascadia Open Summit. Simon Fraser University.
Farrelly, T., (2019, October). Of Mice and Minivans. The use of Metaphors to deconstruct Virtual Learning Environments. Presentation at EADTU Conference.
Farrelly, T., Murphy, T., & Costello, E. (2019). Gold doesn't always glitter - An interactive workshop on Open Publishing Practices. OER 19 Conference, Galway
Lanclos, D., (2019). Listening to Refusal. Keynote Presentation, Academic Practice and Technology Conference.
Lanclos, D., & Phipps, L. (2019) Gaining Insight over Solving Problems. Invited presentation. (2019). University of Guelph.
Lanclos, D., Bryant, P., & White, D. (2019) Precarious Voices: The Shared Hopes and Dreams of those Teaching and Supporting Learning in Digital Contexts.C onnecting through Educational Technology, Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2019 Annual Conference. Bruges.
Ó Súilleabháin., G., & Coakley, D. (2019, May). Flipsides: A flipped classroom model for educational partnership. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Ó Súilleabháin., G, Risquez, A & Cassidy, D (2019, November). Getting started online: A case study in online academic development [paper presentation. 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning.
Risquez, A, Cassidy, Ó Súilleabháin, G, Garvey, R & Spain, S (2019, June). Online Continuing Professional Development: An integrative approach [paper presentation. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances.
2018 Publications
Farrelly, T., & Murphy, T. (2018). Hindsight is 20/20 Vision: What International Students Wished They Had Known Before Coming to Live and Learn in Ireland. Journal of International Students, 8(4), 1848–1864.
Farrelly, T., Raftery, D., & Harding, N. (2018). Exploring lecturer engagement with the VLE: findings from a multi-college staff survey. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2), 11–23.
Hartyányi, M., Balassa, S., Babócsy, C., Téringer, A., Ekert, S., Coakley, D., & Tauchmanova, V. (2018). Flipped Classroom in Practice. Innovating Vocational Education.
Nagle, L., Lannon, J., & McMahon, J. (2018). Integrating formal learning into work-integrated learning to create a semi-formal environment. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 19(2), 181–191.
2018 Presentations
Farrelly, T., Nagle, L., & O’Connell, M. (2018). ePortfolios – the good, the bad and the.. Presentation at EdTech 2018, IT Carlow.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2018). Who pays and what do you get? Presentation at the ALT Conference.
Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Murphy, T. (2018 An analysis of the QQI’s (2017 – Version 2) ‘Guidelines for Blended Learning’. Presentation at Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, UCD.
Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L. (2018) What Lies Beneath” Keynote presentation Lancaster University All- Staff Conference, Leading and Thriving in a Changing World.
Lanclos, D. (2018) What we talk about when we talk about Digital Capabilities. In Keynote presentation, UCISA Digital Capabilities Group.
Lanclos, D. (2018) Where is your place?” Keynote presentation, Social Science Librarians Boot Camp-RVA. University of Richmond.
Risquez, A., Cassidy, D., Garvey, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2018, June). Modelling teaching strategies in the design of an online professional development programme [paper presentation]. EdTech 2018 Conference.
2017 Publications
Asher, A., Jean, A., Couture, J., Fister, B., Lanclos, D., Lowe, S., Regalado, M., & Smale, M. (2017). Mapping Student Days: Collaborative Ethnography and the Student Experience (Vol. 9, Issue 4).
Coakley, D., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Press Start”: Training the Next Generation of Serious Games Developers. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 95–102.
Farrelly, T., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2017). Why unbundling matters: Unpacking competing languages of persuasion. Presentation as part of Digital Learning Research Symposium at Changing Research: Working the Spaces between Education, Policy and Practice. Education Studies Association Ireland (ESAI) conference, UCC.
Lanclos, D. & Phipps, L (2017) Leading with Digital in an Age of Supercomplexity. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2(2).
Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2017). Better Assessment through video: The development of an assessment productivity app. In G. B. The & S. C. Choy (Eds.), Empowering 21st century learners through holistic and enterprising learning (pp. 21–21). Springer.
Lanclos, D. (2017) The Anthropologist’s Tale. Keynote Presentation, Lianza Conference.
2017 Presentations
Coakley, D. (2017, June). Mind your head: The potential of smartphone applications to support and promote mental health skills and knowledge for Irish young people. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Cronin, S., Coakley, D., Garvey, R., & Ó Súilleabháin, G.. (2017). The Creator Project—Empowering educators with tools and skills for self-directed & discipline-specific video production for teaching and learning. 18th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Cronin, S., Coakley, D., Garvey, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G.. (2017, September). Using microlearning to drive the adoption and mainstreaming of technology enhanced learning tools in higher education. Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference.
Crowley, A., Farren, M., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017, September). Strategy simulation games: The student perspective and an investigation of employability competencies gained through the use of strategy simulations in higher education. E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training. Paper Presented at the Third International Conference, eLEOT 2017.
Orefice, F., Coakley, D., Donnellan, P., Dorran, D., Duffy, N., Freeland, B., & Kieran, P. (2017, October). Design Simulation for the Process Industries: An Inter-Institutional Initiative for Chemical Engineering Education in Ireland. 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. AIChE.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Digital Education: New Trends and Old Traditions. In Global Hub Seminar– The Power of Connecting. Nano Nagle Place, Cork.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Digital Games for Learning. EdTecX Seminar.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2017). Well Played: Game-based Learning for Health Education. Invited Keynote. Teaching & Learning Spring School 2017. School of Nursing & Human Sciences, Dublin College University.
2016 Presentations
Coakley, D., Garvey, R., & I, O. ’Neill. (2016, October). Micro-learning—Adopting Digital Pedagogies to Facilitate Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning for CPD. Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning Conference.
Coakley, D., Garvey, R., Cronin, S., & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2016, May). TELU - Meeting the challenge of TEL training with Microlearning. 17th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
Garvey, R., Cronin, S., & Coakley, D. (2016, April). TEL tools for Irish Educators. Educational Studies Association of Ireland 2016 Conference.
Pivec, M., D., C., & R, G. (2016, September). Pilot Trials of Game-Based Sustainable Education. Irish Game Based Learning Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2016, May). Nobody’s perfect: Video as a tool for rapid formative assessment [paper presentation]. 17th Annual Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association.
2015 Publications
Phipps, L., & Chatterton, P. (2015). Perspectives on changing the environment for change. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, 2055–4990.
Lanclos, D., Gourlay, L. & Oliver, M. (2015) Sociomaterial Texts, Spaces and Devices: Questioning ‘Digital Dualism’ in Library and Study Practices Higher Education Quarterly.
Lanclos, D. & White, D. (2015) The Resident Web and Its Impact on the Academy). Hybrid Pedagogy.
2015 Presentations
Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2015). The great and the green: Sustainable development in serious games. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 135.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2015). Sept). Digital games as phenomenological research environments: A case study in educational research [paper presentation. Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts 2015 Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Cronin, S. (2015, November). Assessing every moment: Video as a tool for radical formative assessment [paper presentation. International Conference on Innovations, Shifts and Challenges (ICISC) in Learning & Teaching 2015 Conference.
2014 Publications
Coakley, D., & Garvey, R. (2014). El uso de los juegos digitalis en los deportes y el entrenamiento: Un caso práctico [The use of digital games in sports and training: A case study. Novatica, 230(4), 58–63.
Colomo-Palacios, R., Messnarz, R., Siakas, K., Palosi, D., & Coakley, D. (2014). Using social media as a tool for business improvement and certification of knowledge workers. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 26, 9, 791–798.
2014 Presentations
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2014, May). Learning Transfer as Preparation for Novel Learning Challenges: A Phenomenological Study of Computer and Video Game Performance”. EdTech 2014 Conference.
2013 Publications
Balogh, A. P., Siakas, K. V., Koinig, S., Ekert, D., Coakley, D., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Kostoglou, V. (2013). Social Media Networker: A New Profile for a New Market. Electronic Business and Marketing, 484, 137–146.
Cronin, S., & Garvey, R. (2013). Remote Labs Access in Multimedia for Information and Communication Systems. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2013 IEEE, 698–703.
Phipps, L. (2013). Individual as Institution. Educational Developments, 14(3).
Tawfik, M., Sancristobal, E., Diaz, G., Tzanova, S., Cronin, S., Kreiner, C., & Castro, M. (2013). Special session: Remote-labs access in internet and performance learning environment projects. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2013 IEEE, 1098–1102.
2012 Presentations
Pivec, M., Hable, B., & Coakley, D. (2012). Serious sports: Game-based learning in sports. 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning.
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Coakley, D., & Sime, J. (2012, May). Player Transfer": Key skills transfer in digital sports games”. EdTech 2012 Conference.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2012, September). Foregone Conclusions: How old learning makes new”. TEDxCIT
2011 Presentations
Coakley, D., & Murray, M. (2011). Developing a new Social Network and the “Facebook Factor”. In P. Green & T. Hogan (Eds.), iHCI 2011 conference proceedings. CIT Press.
Coakley, D., & Murray, M. (2011). Learner Experience with the MyElvin Social Network for Practicing Languages. Learning Innovation Network 2011 Conference Proceedings.
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Campbell, J., & Sime, J. (2011). Wait, am I still the green guy? User experience as learning transfer. In P. Green & T. Hogan (Eds.), iHCI 2011 conference proceedings (pp. 33–41). CIT Press.
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Garvey, R., Campbell, J., & Sime, J. (2011, May). Learning transfer in recreational video games. iGBL: Irish Symposium on Game-Based Learning.
2010 Publications
O’Suilleabhain, G. & Sime, J. (2010). Games for learning and learning transfer. In R. Donnelly, J. Harvey, & K. O’Rourke (Eds.), Critical Design and Effective Tools for E-Learning in Higher Education: Theory into Practice (pp. 113–126). IGI.
2010 Presentations
O’Mahony, T., O’Suilleabhain, G., Cassidy, S., & Connell, J. (2010). Project-Based Learning: The student voice. AISHE Conference 2010: Designing and Delivering Curricula for the Future.
2009 Presentations
Ó Súilleabháin, G., Walsh, P., & Sime, J. (2009). The role of games in facilitating preparation for future learning. In T. Conolly & M. Stansfield (Eds.), 3rd European conference on games based learning: Proceedings (pp. 294–303). Academic Publishing Limited.
2008 Presentations
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2008). Player transfer: How learning transfer and serious games answer serious (and transferable) questions about one another. In T. Conolly & M. Stansfield (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 349- 356). Barcelona: Academic Publishing Limited.
Phipps, L., Cormier, D., & Stiles, M. (2008). Reflecting on the virtual learning systems–extinction or evolution? Educational Developments, 9(2).
2007 Publications
Ó Súilleabháin, G. & Coakley, D. (2007). Sloop: The attempt to progress the learning economy through an open source attitude. In Sharing learning objects in an open perspective (pp. 57–70). ITSOS.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2007). Work-based e-learning. In Assessment & qualification in a European learning community (pp. 21–38).
2006 Publications
Grabe, K. & Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2006). Mobilising the troops: Using java-enabled phones for learning”. In D. Keegan (Ed.), Mobile learning: A practical guide (pp. 71–79). CBT Bt.
Messnarz, R., Ó Súilleabháin, G., & Coughlan, R. (2006). From process improvement to learning organisations. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 11(3), 294.
2005 Publications
Phipps, L., Kelly, B., Sloan, D., Petrie, H., & Hamilton, F. (2005). Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity? A Framework for Applying the WCAG in the Real World. Proceedings of the 2005 International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (W4A). ISBN, 1-59593-036–1.
2004 Publications
Phipps, L., Kelly, B., & Swift, E. (2004). Developing A Holistic Approach For E-Learning Accessibility. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 30(3).
2004 Presentations
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2004). The convergence of traditional higher education and e-learning: Organisational, societal, technological and pedagogical trends. Zentrales Institut für Fernstudienforschung.
Ó Súilleabháin, G. (2004). The e-portfolio: A tool for authentic assessment. Student Support Services in E-Learning International Conference.
2002 Publications
Phipps, L., Sutherland, A. T., & Seale, J (2002). Access All Areas: Disability, technology and learning. Association for Learning Technology.