Projects and Initiatives

Reusable Learning Resources

  • Duration: 2023 - Ongoing

  • Funding Body: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

  • Aim: To develop reusable learning resources (RLRs) alongside MTU staff that can be shared as an Open Educational Resource with the wider community.-wellbeing 

iEd Hub

  • Duration: 2021 - Ongoing

  • Funding Body: Human Capital Initiative

  • Aim: To design and develop a novel, agile educational platform and related content and resources to support the needs of industry and next generation graduates in the Health and Life Sciences sector

Funds Academy

  • Duration: 2021 - Ongoing

  • Funding Body: Human Capital Initiative

  • Aim: To provide VLE administration, useful resources, technical support, and content creation for the Masters in Investment Funds Administration and other Funds Academy initiatives

Cyber Skills

  • Duration: 2021 - Ongoing

  • Funding Body: Human Capital Initiative

  • Aim: To provide ongoing training, LMS administration, useful resources, technical support, and creating content for the Cyber Skills modules


  • Duration: 2020 - 2022

  • Funding Body: EU Erasmus+ KA2 Programme

  • Aim: To develop media-rich interactive learning material and a learning platform for online training content to help improve training for Sustainable Financial Education in secondary education

European Digital Treasures

  • Duration: 2018 - 2022

  • Funding Body: EU Creative Europe Programme

  • Aim: To lead out on all the work relating to creative digital media and digital learning including the creation of online courses, transmedia exhibitions, digital catalogues, interactive displays and mini-games, a mobile app, and an immersive educational role-playing game

Be a CyberPro

  • Duration: 2018 - 2021

  • Funding Body: EU Erasmus+ KA2 Programme

  • Aim: To design and develop a browser-based role-playing game for schools across Europe

Canvas Rollout to MTU

  • Duration: 2018-2019

  • Funding Body: Mainscheme CIT funding

  • Aim: To procure roll-out Canvas, a new Learning Management System (LMS) for the institute


  • Duration: 2018 - 2020

  • Funding Body: ERASMUS+ Strategic partnerships

  • Aim: To develop a web application which brings together labour market data and other data sources to support low wage adults and marginalised young people identify their skills, develop their profiles and find work

Level Up

  • Duration: 2017 - 2020

  • Funding Body: EU Erasmus+ KA2 Programme

  • Aim: To develop a serious game to promote vocational education and training (VET) pathways for young people making decisions around education

Promoting Green Skills Through Games

  • Duration: 2017 - 2019

  • Funding Body: EU Erasmus+ KA2 Programme

  • Aim: To develop an educational digital game in the area of sustainability education, targeted at primary and secondary school children

TEL Tools

  • Duration: 2015 - 2016

  • Funding Body: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

  • Aim: To develop teaching and learning resources that will equip instructors with the tools and knowledge required to utilize tools and resources for TEL in an effective and practical manner

Transformation through Collaboration

  • Duration: 2015 - 2016

  • Funding Body: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

  • Aim: To demonstrate ways in which technology can be used to solve education challenges across multiple disciplinary contexts


  • Duration: 2014 - 2016

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To create a vital and dynamic One Stop Virtual Space for Career Counselling and Guidance Services

Green Games in Tourism & Hospitality

  • Duration: 2013 - 2015

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop an online digital game and game- based- learning -methodology, along with associated guidelines and training for learners, for the understanding and implementation of knowledge, skills, strategies, tools and regulations related to food and water waste and energy management within the Tourism and Hospitality sector

SEGAN Serious Games Network

  • Duration: 2011 - 2014

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme

  • Aim: To build a community of researchers, teachers and developers to exchange ideas and experiences related to Serious Games and provide resources and good practices for this community

Med - Assess

  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme

  • Aim: To transfer the online career evaluation system developed for the OntoHR project to the medical domain. CIT acted as external evaluators


  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To transfer structures and tools to support mobility in Vocational Training and Higher Education, particularly with regard to participation of SMEs and placements in organizations

Serious Sports

  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop a digital sports game and reusable framework to offer sports/fitness coaches the opportunity to simulate the physical conditioning, training content and structure in different (training) seasons for European-wide team sports


  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To establish online training for European Small and Medium Enterprises based on the transferred methodology from the “ SME Learning” LdV project (, and the TENEGEN Ldv Project (( )


  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop a virtual classroom for the acquisition and recognition of international cultural competences to include professional and personal skills in job placement programmes


  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To provide a fully online Information and Communication Systems Masters Degree programme across the participating member states. CIT worked to develop modules in Multimedia and ICT

National Digital Learning Resources Project

  • Duration: 2008 - 2012

  • Funding Body: HEA

  • Aim: To develop a repository service for digital teaching and learning resources shared by all 21 Higher Education institutes in the country


  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme

  • Aim: To develop an eLearning environment to sample skills, competencies and knowledge of vocational education students and based on this sampling to give an evaluation as to whether the selected individual meets the criteria of a given job profile of an existing company. CIT acted as external evaluators

ELVIN Social Network for Language Learning

  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Key Actions

  • Aim: To develop a Social Networking Platform to support language learning. CIT acted as lead technical partner


  • Duration: 2009 - 2011

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme /Transversal Programme

  • Aim:

IPLECS: Internet-based Performance-Centered Learning Environment

  • Duration: 2008 - 2010

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme / Erasmus

  • Aim: To develop and deliver an online masters in ICT  delivered across a number of EU member states


  • Duration: 2008 - 2010

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop and facilite training for the job role of individuals charged with evaluating, sourcing or implementing e-learning solutions through an integration of e-portfolio and LMS technology which provides a means to assess and recognise both non-formal and informal learning


  • Duration: 2008 - 2010

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To improve work-based training through use of a comprehensive learning, tutoring, follow-up and online assessment system that offered distance learning training in key professional competences to university students and graduates who are participating in mobility projects in European enterprises


  • Duration: 2008 - 2010

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop an educational game for the Tourism and Hospitality sector with a focus on hospitality management


  • Duration: 2007 - 2009

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To build an online learning system for training organisations from 14 European countries - this later developed into the ECQA (http://www.ecqa/org)


  • Duration: 2006 - 2008

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop ICT based training models, strategic recommendations for SME training and an application guide for training centres, and disseminate and valorise activities such as the formation of new networks and planning of future use for the material created during the project


  • Duration: 2006 - 2008

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To enrich the existing EuroPASS service by offering online skills accreditation for a specific set of teaching modules and skills, with the qualifications being accepted mutually by higher education and the workplace


  • Duration: 2006 - 2008

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To research the knowledge, skills and competences required to facilitate active citizenship and community development through sports coaching and training and to develop, pilot, evaluate and have accredited a programme to develop the identified knowledge, skills and competences


  • Duration: 2005 - 2007

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop models and methods for innovative teaching based on web technology and their integration into teaching practice


  • Duration: 2005 - 2007

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop models and methods for use and development of learning objects and the training of trainers in their development and use


  • Duration: 2003-2006

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To develop a curriculum, special teaching and learning concepts and teaching methods for the training of educational assistants with emphasis on the inclusion of people with disabilities


  • Duration: 2003 - 2005

  • Funding Body: Socrates Programme

  • Aim: To design and develop a formal Higher Education qualification framework supported by a web-based platform which transparently maps activities, skills etc. into a hierarchical schema which builds ultimately into a syllabus and curriculum for a new, formally accredited course


  • Duration:

  • Funding Body: Lifelong Learning Programme/Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To maximise the effectiveness of Community-based work-practice work, to optimise the learning gained from it and to give them due recognition/accreditation for this learning while allowing workers to continue their essential and irreplaceable contribution to community development

Virtual Classroom

  • Duration: 2003 - 2005

  • Funding Body: Socrates Minerva

  • Aim: To analyse, evaluate and document the use of synchronous elearning systems (virtual classroom systems) in academic and corporate institutions in Europe


  • Duration: 2002-2005

  • Funding Body: Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: To set up an online  forum to promote the use of the www as a tool for continuous training drawing on the experiences of previous funded Leonardo and Socrates projects


  • Duration: 2002-2004

  • Funding Body: Socrates Minerva

  • Aim: To develop a wide range of features, resources, information and opinion to do with the conversion of effective face-to-face teaching strategies for the application in the e-learning environment


  • Duration: 2002-2004

  • Funding Body: Socrates Minerva

  • Aim: This EU project researched and developed a range of valid and reliable assessment methods and instruments for the online learning environment and organised a Europe-wide pilot of a new technology platform in support of same


  • Duration: 2001-2002

  • Funding Body: Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Aim: This project developed an accredited training course for higher education teaching staff across Europe in the then emerging technology and pedagogy of the “new learning environment”